Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese Medical technique that uses fine filiform needles which are inserted into various points along acupuncture meridians. The meridians traverse all over the body, are connected to the internal organs, and are used to treat different types of internal imbalances. The points along those meridians are chosen based on a patient’s individualized pattern and constitution, which are carefully measured by physical parameters such as tongue and pulse diagnosis, as well as diagnostic patterns via initial inquiry. Acupuncture is known to work on an immune-endocrine-neurologic axis by promoting blood flow, reducing inflammation, and decreasing pain.
Some, but not all of the benefits of acupuncture are: enhanced sense of self through a deeper mind-body connection, peace and relaxation, improved digestion, increased joint range of motion, clearer skin, pain reduction, and restful sleep.
Cupping is a technique in which glass or plastic cups are placed over areas of the skin to create suction. This technique releases stagnation and ushers in new blood flow for improved function and decreased pain in the area. Cupping can be used for pain, common colds, menstrual cramps, digestive issues, headaches, and more. Like Gua Sha, local discolorations to the skin are temporary and normal, and usually clear up within a week.
Scar treatments are useful because no matter the size of the scar, the energetic flow around it is impaired due to adhesions on or below the skin surface. Scars carry the information of the event that caused it, which for some can be the source of trauma, insecurity, and pain. Establishing a smooth flow of energy through the formerly stuck or blocked area can elicit transformation, letting go, and pain reduction, or restore sensation to the scarred tissue.
Gua sha is a technique in which gentle scraping is done on the skin surface with a specialized tool or spoon to promote the flow of blood and remove stagnation. Gua sha can be used for the common cold as well as pain. Local discolorations to the skin are temporary and normal, and usually clear up within a week.
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